Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Connection, originally uploaded by shupack.

wiring for a Jeep Cherokee works great for the trailer harness

Monday, May 10, 2010

Half way....

Half way...., originally uploaded by shupack.

New Heavy Duty offroad bumper being installed. Will be available in the store relatively soon. Will have more photos when the weather clears up.

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Rust..., originally uploaded by shupack.

Removed the rear bumper, to prepare for the installation of the new offroad duty bumper (available soon in the R-R store).

Friday, May 7, 2010

Throttle heater bypass

Throttle heater bypass, originally uploaded by shupack.

leaking throttle heater plate on Darcy. Not sure why it's there in the first-place, so I just connected the solid pipe coming out, to the flex-line that went in. You can see it snipped off just to the top/right of the connection.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


WTF???, originally uploaded by shupack.

I had a pump come in for a rebuild a few weeks ago, it was rattling but sounded like it was in the motor, he decided to see how long it'd last instead of replacing it straight away. This is what he brought back yesterday.

I've NEVER seen anything like that, and I can't find anything wrong with it...... the crank bearing is ok (incredibly) and there was nothing inside the cylinder.

my guess it that the connecting rod snapped, then the floppy pieces proceeded to beat the snot out of everything.

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